Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stingray Tennis Update: Week of April 27th

Greetings Again!

I am so impressed with this year's tennis team. We have won 5 matches in a row since a season-opening defeat against Gifford's "A" team. That loss was to be expected as they brought their 10 best players, only 2 of which were girls. We did not match up well in that contest. In the 5 contests since, we've won half of our boys matches and all of our girls matches and our overall record is 5 and 1.

This Friday we play Gifford's "B" team. I believe that we can win this match. But, winning isn't everything that matters. Don't get me wrong. I am quite a competitive person by nature and I hate to lose! However, what is more important than winning is having good sportsmanship and I believe our team is, for the most part, comprised of kids who exhibit that trait. Not everyone, but most. Please talk with your child about the importance of good sportsmanship. It's something that they need to be reminded about before every match.

Friday's match will be held at the Vero Beach Tennis Club at Timber Ridge, same place as Monday's match. I am hoping that Gifford brings all of their players on this team of theirs. It has been disappointing to me and to our players that the matches they've played recently have been against teams who haven't had full squads. But even if this is the case going forward, I promise you that they will play tennis on match days, even if it is against teammates!

Also, as most of you know, my mother Margaret has been in the hospital for pretty much the entire month of April with a heart condition and is now in HealthSouth undergoing physical therapy for her legs. She is scheduled for release this weekend. She is temporarily moving in with me when she's released.

We have two matches next week, on Weds and Fri. We have no practices scheduled. I would like to have a practice on Monday or Tuesday, but I may not be able to do this if my mother needs me at home.

I will send an email if I'm able to schedule a practice. If you don't hear back from me, then there is no practice on Monday or Tuesday. After this Friday's match, the next day of tennis will be next Wednesday, against Gifford's A team, in a rematch.

It would be great to stretch our win streak to 7, but let's try to stretch it to 6 first. Hopefully we'll be at full strength for both matches.

Finally, please have a heart to heart with your child about how they can show good sportsmanship on the courts. Character counts more than winning!


Coach Mike Daugherty

PS I'm including a picture of our team that was taken last Friday, in Sebastian. Not everyone was present, but we'll take more pictures. Hope that you like them.

SGMS Tennis Team (not all present)

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